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Andy Pirlet

Friendly manager with top quality electric scooters. After a few test drives I fell in love with the Atlas model. I don't regret my purchase for a second! Thanks, Ozan!

Junior van Berghen

I had the engine inspection / engine inspection of my motorcycle done here, it was inspected within the day, super easy, Ozzy helped me well with the inspection for the sale of my motorcycle. Definitely recommended as others charge much more for an inspection, I had already picked up my motorcycle the day I called and had it inspected for sale the day after

Milan van Mele

I had my motorcycle inspected at Ozzy Rides last week, the motorcycle inspection went smoothly, they also adjusted the adjustment of my lights, together, the motorcycle inspection was in order within 24 hours

Robbe Kraus

Bought my scooter here today, Ozzy Rides, I received a lot of information about the scooter and was allowed to do test rides without any problems until I felt good about it! One of my best purchases to date.