Motorkeuring België
Which motorcycles are required to undergo inspection from 2023?
Motorcycles with a block of more than 125 cc:
You are obliged to go to the inspection with motorcycles, three-wheelers and four-wheelers that are equipped with a combustion engine of more than 125 cc.
Moto with electric motor or hybrid motorcycles:
Is your motorcycle electric or hybrid? Then you have to go to the technical inspection if you can reach a maximum speed of more than 45 km/h and the maximum power of the engine is more than 11 kW.
Is the motorcycle inspection mandatory / when do you have to go to the motorcycle inspection?
Yes, the motorcycle inspection is mandatory before sale or after an accident, there is currently NO periodic motorcycle inspection. You have to take a motorcycle to the inspection after an accident and when you want to sell or buy the motorcycle second-hand. So you don't have to have an annual check-up like you do with a passenger car or camper.
How much does a motorcycle inspection cost?
The price for the inspection of a motorcycle is set at 58 Euro. This price is the same at all inspection stations.
What do they look at at the motorcycle inspection?
The inspector will examine the following parts of the motorcycle: braking equipment, steering, lights and reflectors (e.g. they must all have an E approval), exhaust, messages, instruments, suspension and chassis, identification plate. In addition, the inspection measures emissions and the motorcycle is subjected to an auditory assessment.
Is the inspection of a motorcycle by appointment?
Yes, you must always make an appointment for the inspection of your motorcycle. This can be done via
How long is the motorcycle inspection valid?
Your inspection document is valid for 2 months after approval.
Which documents do you need for the motorcycle inspection?
Registration document part 1 & part 2 and the certificate of conformity if the motorcycle comes from Belgium. If your motorcycle has been imported from the Netherlands, for example, you do not need a certificate of conformity.
Where can you have a motorcycle inspected?
You can go to many places in Belgium to have your motorcycle inspected.
Should you inspect your motorcycle yourself or have it inspected by Ozzy Rides?
We do not recommend inspecting motorcycles that are older than 3 years yourself, why?
once you go to the inspection and your engine has been rejected, there will always be a message stating why it was rejected and they will have you come back for a re-inspection, it is also expensive to have your engine inspected yourself. Charging the engine (risk of damage), engine inspection (risk of rejection). That is why we offer a complete inspection of your engine for €170 inspection + €55 for the pre-inspection. What is the pre-inspection for? This ensures that we pass your motorcycle inspection with a 100% chance of success, we check every detail and get it in order without extra costs.
Read here for more information Have your motorcycle inspected by Ozzy Rides

Motor laten keuren bij Ozzy Rides
Motor laten keuren indien binnen de 48 uur, en nodig zelfs binnen 24 uur!
je kunt je motor naar ons brengen, of we kunnen de motor ophalen met een van onze speciaal geselecteerde bestelwagens voor motorvervoer. De prijs hiervoor is 170€ inclusief btw. Exclusief transportkosten.
Pre-keuringsservice , waarbij we de lichten afstellen, CO meten, remmen controleren (zonder remtestbank). Tot nu toe heeft geen enkele motor die deur ons is gecontroleerd een rode kaart gekregen. De kosten voor deze Pre-keuring bedragen 55€ inclusief btw . Als je alleen de lichten wilt laten afstellen, kan dat ook voor 15€ inclusief btw .
U kunt contact opnemen via ons nummer +32 486 25 50 31 | e-mail of via de bovenstaande knop via whatsapp

Ozzy Rides
Toekomstlaan 3, 2170 Merksem, België
openingsuren: 09:00 - 22:00 (Enkel op afspraak)
telefonisch beschikbaar op +32 486 25 50 31
BTW/KVK: BE0715.634.227
U kunt contact opnemen via ons nummer +32 486 25 50 31 | e-mail of via de bovenstaande knop via whatsapp
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